Dear Ones, As we approach the ending of this year's season of Lent look toward the approach Holy Week, here’s a thought for you. Lepers may live in the same colony, but they share no vibrant community. Shame is that deep stain that comes with our brokenness. It whispers that we are contaminated and that we should avoid getting too close to others lest they discover how broken brokenness really is. Shame seeks to isolate us, to cause us to wear masks, become self-protective and to feel as if we live life as perpetual hypocrites. Shame hates the light and in the shadows whispers that we will never change, encouraging despair. But we have a greater truth; greater than the truth that we are broken; greater than the sum-total of all the iniquity of our sin…the sinfulness of our sin. Jesus Christ has, by His own power and action in human history, delivered us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into His own Kingdom as sons and daughters, not strangers, aliens or groveling bast...