I was reading a daily devotion the other day and the last sentence of the day’s thoughts made me stop. “If we continue to trust and obey Him, God will help us.” What came to mind immediately were Jesus’ Words, “I am the Vine and you are the branches. If you abide in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit. For apart from Me, you can do nothing.” That must mean that apart from Him, trust and obedience are impossible on my own. A branch does not have “life in itself” as its life comes from the Vine. In fact, the branch has no life flowing in it if it is not vitally, relationally and exclusively attached to the Vine. Abiding in, making our permanent home in Jesus Christ is a work of the Holy Spirit Who unites us to both the death and resurrection-life of Jesus. The Holy Spirit puts us “into Jesus”. We are given a new heart and a new spirit, made righteous and holy by Jesus coming to live His very life in us in the Holy Spirit’s power. Our righteousness is derived from His Li...