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Showing posts from April, 2023
  REMEMBER WHOSE YOU ARE Think about this. In the Gospel records of Matthew chapter 10, Mark chapter 6 and Luke chapter 9, Jesus gives His disciples the authority to do what He had been doing: healing the sick, cleansing lepers, casting out demons and raising the dead. The disciples were sent out by Jesus and returned in amazement and great joy that what Jesus gave the authority to do…they DID. It’s not longer after this that Jesus took James, John and Peter up to a mountain where He was Transfigured and they saw Him as He is. That revelation is remembered in Peter’s second Epistle. It’s then amazing that later in Luke 9, Mark 9 and Matthew 17 just after Jesus and the three disciples who were with Him on the mountain come down to the other disciples, a man is there pleading with Jesus to cast a demon out of his son. He told Jesus that he had asked the disciples to cast out the demon, but they couldn’t. Jesus chided those disciples who had been left behind for their unbelief. Jesus ...
  UTTERLY DEPENDANT  Whether we acknowledge it or not, every one of us depends upon "every Word" from the Lord God...for life itself comes from Him alone.
  People search high and low for love and for relief from their heart's pain, unaware that it is God they really seek. Out broken relationship with God is the ache that lurks behind every other heart-pain. 0 People reached 0 Engagements – Distribution score Boost post Like Comment Share
  THERE IS STILL TIME LEFT   The events transpiring on the earth today are not random chaos. It is a chaos planned and orchestrated by Satan and will continue to grow and crescendo to destabilize every nation, tribe and tongue on the planet. But while this satanic plan is being executed to pave the way for the one-world government of the Anti-Christ, the Holy Spirit is preparing the true bride of Jesus Christ to be caught up and away to meet her Savior in the air. This is the hour of the final ingathering of all who will believe and receive the salvation of God which He has already prepared for all who will surrender His Love in Christ Jesus. Below are Words of revelation from Jesus Christ to all who have ears to hear and believe. “This is a revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants the events that must soon take place. He sent an angel to present this revelation to His servant John,   who faithfully reported everything he saw. This...
  Resurrection Day Prayer Father God in Heaven, I belong to You. I am Your child. You have set me free from bondage to sin. I consider myself dead to sin and alive to You. I present myself, my body, my will, my emotions, my mind, my heart and spirit to you. Your Son, my Savior Jesus Christ, has won my freedom through His death on the cross and His resurrection from the grave. Therefore, I am under the authority and the dominion of Your grace. I am not a slave. I am a child, an heir. Therefore, by the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit, I will walk in hope and freedom and self-control. I will follow Your Holy Spirit, by His Presence enabling my ability, putting to death the deeds of the flesh and seeking to walk in the obedience of a child of God. Grant me all the resources I will need for this day. I trust in You to hear and answer me, for I ask this all in Jesus’ Name.
  HOLY WEEK 1956 Holy Week, 1956, New York City. How things have changed as the darkness has become profound. But the Eternal Light of the Resurrected Son of God, Jesus Christ, shines all the brighter.  
  FROM START TO FINISH It’s interesting to note that when Jesus came walking on the water during a storm on the Sea of Galilee, Peter was the one who asked if he could come to Jesus walking on the water as well. It was, in essence, a prayer request. Jesus said, “Come.” It was because Jesus said, “Come” that Peter was able to walk on the water. Peter’s eyes were on the Lord when he made his request. Once the request was granted, it didn’t take too long before he took his eyes off the Lord Jesus and forgot that he was walking on water because Jesus said he could. It was all dependent of the Word of the Lord from start to finish. I wonder if it has ever occurred to us that our eyes and hearts must be fixed on Jesus not only during our prayers and petitions for God to guide and provide for us while we are on mission, but especially after he answers our prayers. God’s giving ministry, anointing and blessing to do His will are just the start. He alone can answer our prayers and then wh...
  OUT IN THE OPEN God has not hidden what He has done to redeem humanity. He offers us the only way of true repentance, faith, forgiveness of sin and a new life that is unending. Truth is, though, He never forces repentance, faith, forgiveness and a new life on anyone. He desires a relationship, not the programmed responses of humanoid AI. His love for us has exposed the utter ruin of humanity because of our rebellion and sin. He doesn’t want us to be deceived into thinking that at the end of our lives here on earth we will all get a “participation trophy”. We have all personalized and internalized our rebellion against God. Humanity’s rebellion against God can be shocking horror or the civilized folly or relying on our broken moral compass to bring ourselves back into a state of wholeness. We want to be the ground of truth. We want our emotions enshrined and worshipped by all. The root problem is that humanity is spiritually dead and separated from Life, Himself. Both pride and ho...
  This Sunday is Called Palm Sunday as well as Passion Sunday. Jesus entered Jerusalem fulfilling the prophecy from the prophet Zechariah (chapter 9 verse 9), "Rejoice, O people of Zion! Shout in triumph, O people of Jerusalem! Look, your king is coming to you. He is righteous and victorious, yet he is humble, riding on a donkey, riding on a donkey’s colt". That is only one of over 300 Old Testament prophecies that Jesus Christ fulfilled. God was not doing things in the shadows where no one could see. He was displaying His powerful work of salvation for all to see. This Sunday is called Passion Sunday because the record of Jesus' trial, crucifixion and death are read from one of the eye-witness accounts from the Gospels. Here is an amazing thing! As Jesus hangs, nailed to a Roman cross, He cries out the first words of Psalm 22. Some say that here, Jesus was showing His “Hebrew-ness”. In any kind of painful struggle, the lament psalms would come to the mind of any Hebrew....