What is the problem? Is there systemic racism? Yes, because there is systemic sin. Sin is endemically embedded in all human structures. Sin does all it can to twist and distort the Image of God from every angle it can. And, the culture war is evidence that it is succeeding and doing its best to divide what Jesus Christ has united in Himself. The identity that Jesus Christ gives to any and all who will believe Him and follow Him in the Holy Spirit's power is not based in ethnic or cultural background. It's not based on economics or class struggle. It not based in nationality or language. That singular identity given to a follower of Jesus is not based on denominational affiliation, education, skin hue, country of origin, or a DNA swab. The only ground for identification for a Christian is the person of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Himself. He alone restores people to become fully human once more by His grace, a gift given so we can believe and follow Him. The issue that continual...