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Showing posts from July, 2021
  What is the problem? Is there systemic racism? Yes, because there is systemic sin. Sin is endemically embedded in all human structures. Sin does all it can to twist and distort the Image of God from every angle it can. And, the culture war is evidence that it is succeeding and doing its best to divide what Jesus Christ has united in Himself. The identity that Jesus Christ gives to any and all who will believe Him and follow Him in the Holy Spirit's power is not based in ethnic or cultural background. It's not based on economics or class struggle. It not based in nationality or language. That singular identity given to a follower of Jesus is not based on denominational affiliation, education, skin hue, country of origin, or a DNA swab. The only ground for identification for a Christian is the person of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Himself. He alone restores people to become fully human once more by His grace, a gift given so we can believe and follow Him. The issue that continual...
 True!!! "An infinite God can give all of Himself to each of His children. He does not distribute Himself that each may have a part, but to each one He gives all of Himself as fully as if there were no others." A. W. Tozer
  I am convinced that the Incarnation did not happen in order to establish another “major world religion”. The Word became flesh in order to restore the relationship with God that humanity lost in the fall. Jesus came to rescue and restore all who will believe, to the Father. There was no other way. His singular life, its very uniqueness, is the only thing that can gather the whole world to God. It’s only grace…nothing else meets the need.
 Yielding Lord Jesus, this day, I yield to You, embracing the truth that I have received You as my very life; I accept and embrace that You have united me to all the work and triumph of Your Resurrection; Your triumph over sin, death, hell and the grave. Death has no power over You, nor does any foul thing.   Holy Spirit, You have united me to the Resurrection of Jesus so that I now live a new life, His Life now being lived in me. You have caused me to be dead to sin and alive to God! I stand now in the place You have given to me, my place in Your Resurrection and Life, and I surrender to You, Gracious Savior, to live Your life as You live Your life in and through me. I am saved by Your Life. I reign in life through Your Life. I ask and willingly receive today, Your Holy Spirit’s fresh outpouring of goodness, truth, wisdom, power and strength. Lord, please apply to me all the work and triumph of Your Resurrection. I receive it with my whole heart, thanking You and giving You t...

Daily Commitment Prayer

Almighty God, Eternal Father, Son and Holy Spirit I come to You this day agreeing with You that I live in absolute dependency on You. You and You alone are my salvation. You alone are the source and substance of my life. You alone are “life within me”. Knowing that You have begun a good work within me that only You can bring to completion, I come to You to receive Your ongoing work of restoring my life. I come to You to be renewed in You and to receive the anointing of Your Holy Spirit to live in Your grace, authority and Power this day. I am utterly dependent on You and confident in Your eternal, faithful love for me that nothing can separate me from.


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