As we have entered into the Season of Advent, preparing for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the signs are ever increasing, more and more, bearing the stamp of the prophetic Words Jesus Christ gave to His followers concerning His return. For example:
Matt 24:9 9 “Then you will be arrested, persecuted, and killed. You will be hated all over the world because you are my followers.
World-wide, over the past 70+ years, there have been more followers of Jesus Christ martyred for their faith than the combined number of Jesus followers martyred since the 1st Century. Christians are hated because they believe that God has made a singular, unique way for all humanity to be restored into Life as God intended it from the beginning. There is forgiveness and unearned mercy (grace) to all who will believe.
Satan hates what God loves. And God loved the whole of humanity, the whole world, so much that He gave His One and Only Son to die our death, to bear our shame, to assume the whole of God’s just judgement against the sum-total sin of all humanity and to rise victorious over sin, death, hell and the grave so that we might be restored to God by grace.
Satan hates that truth and twists it to try and make it
seem like “exclusivism”, “arrogance” and “pride” when it is just the opposite.
But then, the devil is a liar.
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