Here's a bit of counsel. If the Holy Spirit wants to convict you of something that needs to be changed, altered, abandoned or forsaken, He will be specific. Confession is never general. It is specific. Repentance is empowered by God, since our salvation depends upon Him from start to finish.
If something is brought to you that is not specific, no matter how spiritually it may be couched and presented, beware. That is how condemnation and accusation comes from Satan. It comes as a vague miasma, a sense of ontological "yuck" that you can't put your finger on. That sense of guilt and condemnation is actually casting aspersions on the character of God, that He can't keep you, or is not working in you as He promised He would or that you've blown it beyond grace.
That is a spiritual attack. The enemy attacks because he sees us trusting God even when we cannot see. Satan hates the grace of God working in us so he tries to deceive and condemn.
Remember, guilt in search of a reason WILL find one. But when the Holy Spirit it at work, it is specific and leads us through repentance to experience the forgiveness and restoration that are the heritage and inheritance of the followers of Jesus Christ.
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