The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Eternal Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, God Almighty is not silent. He has spoken and everything He has said has and will come to pass. His Word never falls short of what He declares. His promises never fail. His faithfulness is from everlasting to everlasting. There is no other God.
He spoke all of creation into being out of nothing. He is the source of all life and by His Word, all things hold together. He fashioned the universe with such exactitude that everything that exists is exactly where it should be for the whole to hold together. He stands transcendent, outside His creation as its Creator and yet imminent, engaged in the minutia of life as its Savior.
He did not simply “wind up the clock” and leave it to run on its own. He is engaged in it all. His ways are perfect and His character eternally the same. He does not change. His perfections are infinite. His love is infinite and perfect, His mercy is infinite and perfect, His wisdom is infinite and perfect, His power is infinite and perfect, His holiness is infinite and perfect, His wrath is infinite and perfect, His forgiveness is infinite and perfect, His grace is infinite and perfect.
Anything that could harm the crown of His creation, humanity, is the focus of His perfect wrath. Even when we embraced, cultivated, nurtured and worshipped the lie that we didn’t need Him for life and wholeness, He did not abandon us to the surety of death that sin guaranteed. Evil is the absence of goodness, and as we fell through the gash in the fabric of life that we tore, falling into deeper and deeper annihilation, He came after us to rescue us. We had become dead in the very center of what had made us fully human. His Life had been life to us and we turned our back on Him. But He never abandoned us. He became one of us while remaining fully God. Jesus Christ is the man worth more than an infinite number of human beings, even as the Creator is worth more than an infinite number of His creations.
Jesus was thus able to bear in His own human body on a Roman cross, the full penalty and wrath that mankind’s rebellion deserved. He bore the sin of the whole of humanity and broke its power to continue to enslave us. As He died, He declared, “It is finished!”. He sacrificed His own life to redeem humanity, for all who would believe Him and receive His gift of forgiveness and new life, restored humanity. He rose from the dead, just as He said He would, having penetrated the destructive power of sin to its very end, wiping the chasm clean.
God’s Word never fails. Jesus Christ, Eternal God the
Son, has done what He said He would do. He hasn’t changed. His love for us cannot
waver. He has opened the way for us to return to the One Who called us into
being; to come back Home and begin to live as He intended, relying on Him as
the Source and substance of Life itself. Will you be set free? Will you let His
love heal you?
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