Jesus’ coming defies our expectations. It turns the world’s expectations upside-down to make them right-side-up once more. He comes as the man Who is worth an infinite number of human beings. You see, the Creator is worth more than an infinite number of His creations. He defies what the world would expect of the Lord of the Universe. He come in the greatest humility ever known, as a vulnerable, new-born child. He comes to grow up as we grow up out of infancy into childhood, out of childhood into adulthood. He knew hunger and thirst, tiredness and sorrow like no one has ever known. He lived under tyrannical oppression. His birth was called scandalous in His hometown.
He came in the fullness of time fulfilling over 300 prophecies made about His coming through the Prophets in the Old Testament. He came because, only in His coming as He did, in living as He did, in sacrificing His life and dying only as He could, in rising from the dead as only He did, He could display the Love of God to all humanity.
He gave Himself as God singular and unique gift to rescue and redeem any and all who would turn from being upside-down to let His grace turn them right-side-up.
He alone can make the season bright.
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