God always acts decisively. He never does something that doesn’t matter. He never gives us something that is unnecessary. He never speaks offhandedly.
God promised through the Prophet Isaiah that the people who walked in darkness would see a great Light; an Eternal light that would penetrate the deep darkness of the human heart.
God made us for Himself, to know His glory and goodness and share His very life. Our rebellion separated us, but God never abandoned us. He pursued us relentlessly!
He spoke into our darkness calling us to return. In Jesus, God spoke His final Word: Rescue!
Eternal God the Son became fully man, for His own divine purpose. His birth in a manger was not done to inspire sentimentality or the Christmas card industry.
God became what He had never been, man; while being the One no man could ever be, God.
Jesus didn’t come in order to show us how to live. How cruel it would have been for Him to do that and then leave.
He would have left the entire human race with a clear example of HOW to live life with NO ability to live it. You can’t expect dead people to live even if you show them step by step HOW to do it. Jesus didn’t come to give to us a new body of ethical teaching.
How meaningless to instruct people fully in the way to behave towards each other without giving them the ability to act on it with the consistency to make a real difference.
The reason Jesus Christ came into the world was to save sinners...without THAT nothing else that He did makes any sense. Every miracle, every healing, every deliverance, every teaching, every command, every Word ONLY makes sense in light of WHY He came.
God became man to rescue us; we can be rescued by Him alone. It has never been up to us.
We were slaves to sin, rebellion, brokenness and sorrow & could never set ourselves free. He ALONE! set us free from slavery, to have the heavy chains of guilt & judgment lifted…
It’s good news, the best of news: God has come to save us. A Savior has been born FOR US!
It is absolutely necessary to celebrate. The angels couldn’t contain themselves nor should we! Jesus, the Messiah, the Sovereign Lord, has come in the ordinary to do the extraordinary!
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