What child is this, Who laid to rest, on Mary’s lap is sleeping? Just who do people celebrate on Christmas? What kind of Baby is this? Knowing the answer to this can change your life.
Natural born children have no choice in their parents. You didn’t get to choose your parents & they got what they got…you were it. You weren’t pick out of a group photo. A child has no choice in the matter. Did you ever ask the question, “Why did I get these lousy parents? Listen, all parents will slime their children…Adam’s stain gets confirmed. There is no option open to us as to whether to be conceived or not...we couldn’t shout, “Hey, wait a minute…stop right now!
That is true on the whole, with one unique exception. There was one pregnancy that had been planned from eternity. There was one Baby who did have a choice. He made that choice from eternity. He made that choice to be conceived…God the Son chose to come to show us God the Father. The close you get to Him, the closer you get to knowing God the Father. Go beyond Him, and you move away from God.
He chose to take His humanity from a young virgin named Mary…not borrowed humanity, but embraced & fully assumed humanity…once embraced…never abandoned…He chose to be knit together by God the Father in His mother's womb. God’s “DNA”…whatever that is…joined with human DNA
He chose to be carried for nine months…not some alien thing…normal human development…God becoming fully human while remaining fully God. He chose to be born and to live on purpose. This child was not random by any stretch of anyone’s imagination…Genesis 3:15…“the seed of woman…” a promise from the beginning of time.
This Unique One chose to be born because He had chosen to rescue us from sin and death…there was no other way for us to be rescued and restored to God. He is the only One who chose to be born. He chose for you and me. Grace upon grace.
Isaiah 9:6-7…For unto us a Child has been born…unto US God’s Eternal Son has been given to bear upon His shoulder the symbol of ultimate authority…a Roman cross. He would bear it, be nailed to it
He & would redeem and rescue the world…open the way of eternal life to all who will believe Him.
And He is not merely called…but actually IS the Incarnation of all Isaiah recorded He would be.
Wonderful Counselor…able to understand all that has bent and distorted us AND to reverse their effects, not just name the ill, but heal it, restore us to truth…living in truth and grace
God…eternally strong enough to set us free from the enemies of our souls…both
external and internal.
Everlasting Father…always the same in love and commitment…caring for us in such a way as to cause us to become our best selves: encouragement & correction & help
Prince of Peace…wholeness & life as it was meant to be…internal & external shalom are His gift.
His rule and its peace will never end…it won’t go away…THIS child grew up. The baby became a man…He died and rose again
God is the One who zealously promised to do this…and He has done what He set out to do.
This child is Eternal God the Son, invading the hostile territory of the earth He
created, to rescue those who had been deceived into rebelling against His love.
Come, let us adore Him.
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