People often refer to the things God has done, His “mighty acts”, as the things He is famous for. There are events like the saving of Noah’s family and all the animals in the ark, the Exodus from Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea, the walls of Jericho falling down, and the Promised land. Then there’s young David dealing with Goliath, fire falling from heaven for Elijah on Mt. Carmel, a young man being resurrected from the dead by falling on Elisha’s bones, and the deliverance of Jerusalem from three armies in Josephat’s reign. Even in the Jewish exile in Babylon we read of the saving of the three Hebrew young men in the fiery furnace. Then there’s the shutting the mouths of lions for Daniel, Ezekiel’s vision of dry bones coming together to make really disjointed and very dead people alive again, and so many others.
Those acts recorded in the Old Testament along with the New Testament accounts of Jesus raising to life again people who were really dead, healing the sick, making deaf people hear again, blind people see again, healing leprosy (rotting skin regenerating) and casting out demons were all pointing to something even more amazing; infinitely more amazing that He would ultimately do for humanity.
The acts of God in the Old Testament and the works done by Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit’s power were showing that God was not going to just stand by and allow the decay and brokenness of mankind to continue. Even though humanity had brought that ruination upon the whole of creation by not believing God; not trusting His love and goodness.
Over the next few days, I want
to look at how all these things God is famous for actually point to something
infinitely more astounding; infinitely more amazing; infinitely more powerful
than all those things combined. God was showing throughout human history that
He was going to make a way for humanity to be restore to the wholeness He
created them to know…a true and lasting relationship with Himself.
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