The children of Israel were trapped. Their slave-owners of several
centuries were drawing behind them ready to slaughter. God’s Presence went
behind His people to block the attack, but they were still trapped.
The Red Sea was before them and no way of escape. In the same way,
all humanity was trapped in sin that had become the ruling DNA in humanity
since Adam’s rejection of God as the source and substance of his life and the
life. So, all who would follow him throughout the oncoming millennia would
likewise be spiritually dead.
All that God did for Israel had everything to do with His covenant
promise to Abraham, not because Israel had merited anything from God. God’s
acts toward humanity have always been grounded in His grace and mercy.
So, what does God do? He splits open the Red Sea, parting it wide.
The thing that hindered the saving of God’s people had to be taken out of the
way. Sin had separated humanity from the life God created us to know and live.
The blood of the Passover lamb on the doors of the Hebrews in Egypt was not an
indication of their worth, but of God’s mercy.
Jesus Christ, Eternal God the Son Incarnate, the Word made flesh,
took to Himself humanity from the womb of His then Virgin Mother, Mary. He
didn’t borrow our humanity. He made it His own. He, through Who all things were
created, was THE man worth an infinite number of humans. He, the sinless one
alone could become sin on our behalf that we might become new creations by His
death and resurrection. It is in the very Body of Christ that God justly and
perfectly dealt with sin, death, hell and the grave. What looked like the
victory of darkness over light was actually the utter defeat of Satan and his
kingdom of deception and wickedness.
On that Roman cross, the principalities, powers and rulers of
spiritual darkness in high places rushed upon Jesus and He absorbed them all.
They thought they had won until they heard the door of His heart lock behind
them and they were utterly defeated as Jesus cried out, “It is finished.”
Blinded by vengeance and rage, Pharoah’s horses, chariots and
soldiers raced into the gap torn in the Red Sea pursuing the Hebrew people.
Like the rage-blinded demonic hordes on Good Friday, Pharoah’s horde was
swallowed up as what was torn open closed over them so that not one was left
We read in Paul’s letter to the young church in Colossae (Col. 2:13-15) “You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for He forgave all our sins. He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross. 15 In this way, He disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by His victory over them on the cross.”
Thank you Lord for willingly torn so that we might be liberated
from sin and death.
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