Satan had told Eve and Adam that their eyes would be opened, and they would be like God, knowing good and evil. In one sense he had been right. Their eyes were opened, but in a grotesque way. They knew good but also that they were now separated from it. They knew evil because they were now saturated in it. They knew good and evil in a way God never intended them to know it. It has made all humanity after them spiritually deaf, blind and dead to the life of God. But...Jesus came to make the blind to truly see, the deaf to truly hear and to raise the dead to New Life for all who would but trust and believe Jesus Christ and all He has done for all of humanity. It's a relationship and a gift. It is never forced on anyone but can be received and entered into by all who will honestly admit their brokenness and real rebellion and receive His forgiveness. He has already covered your debt in full. Come home!
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