God tells us in His Word that He blesses obedience to His Word. His will results in human flourishing. That flourishing may look very different from what the world-system identifies as “prosperity”. But, on the whole, the promises made by the world-system are a “cheat”. The question is, however, why does the Lord state that His blessings follow obedience to Hos Word?
I actually think it is so simple that it is mind-boggling. Human beings seem to always be looking for the exception, the easiest way out, the “least I have to do to get by” sort of thing. Think about this. Why would God reinforce disobedience? Why would He bless something that is “less than” If His will is the very best for us, why would He reinforce anything other than obedience?
It’s not some cosmic quid-pro-quo. God doesn’t treat people as a means to some end. God knows what will make for human flourishing. That is what is contained in His Word, His commandments. Outside the parameters of His will, life will never work optimally. Not only that, but when God commands us to do something or refrain from something, in His command is a promise. God will never ask us to do something that He will not provide the wherewithal to do it. For you see, the will of God is either accomplished by the power of God, or it’s not done at all.
God’s will is the only place where true life can be found and experienced. When Paul prays for the young church in Colossae (Colossians 1:1-14) that they be filled with the knowledge of God’s will, it’s so that they’ll understand that they will never be able to rely on human effort, but in humility, yield to the Holy Spirit and His indwelling power to do what God tells them will make for life.
Blessings flow as we follow Him; for true blessings can be found nowhere else. Revelation insight into the heart of the Gospel makes it clear that it will never be our efforts that make life work. When God reveals His vision for life, He’s not checking our resources, not examining our bank balance. He knows what we’ve got, that it will never be sufficient to the call. He is looking to see if we will trust Him. God was not expecting Israel to bring about the exodus from Egypt. Jesus was not waiting on Lazarus to reverse his condition.
Believe that what He says about life is the only thing
that is actually reasonable. Trust His Life and power living in you, follower of
Jesus, to be lived out through you…today.
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