Believing God
In Hebrews 11:11 we can read that even in the face of her old age and her barrenness, Sarah “believed that God would keep His promise.” of a son, Isaac. It’s of utmost importance that our hearts and minds are saturated with the Word of God, committing His promises to memory and heart-storage. We must rely on, believe what God has promised, which may not necessarily be what you can see at present.
Faith is actively believing what God has promised, not what I perceive at this juncture in time and space. He has promised to all who will believe Him, that having begun a good work in them, He will bring it to completion by the Day of Christ.
It is because the Holy Spirit has delivered you from the kingdom of darkness and has transferred you into the Kingdom of God’s Son, in Whom you have deliverance and redemption through His shed blood, the very forgiveness of you sin, not in part, but the whole.
God is not being metaphoric when He declares that we are His heirs, joint heirs with Christ Jesus. That “spirit of adoption” that God has given us actually and eternally designates us as His heirs, heirs that can never and will never be disowned by Him. When Paul writes about this in Romans chapter eight, he is drawing on Roman jurisprudence. A Roman citizen, when wanting to designate his heir, would hold a formal and legal ceremony of adopting his own flesh and blood. You see, you could disown a natural born child, but you could never, ever, ever disown an adopted child.
That is why Jesus joyfully stated in Luke 12:32, “So don’t be afraid, little flock. For it gives the Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom.” God, the Father, delights in giving the Holy Spirit to live out within us the rule, the life and glory of His Kingdom so that… (Ephesians 2:10) “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.”
Satan lies with varying degrees of subtlety that God doesn’t
really love us, but barely tolerates us if we don’t screw up. The enemy points
to circumstances, feelings, and people as “evidence” that God is indeed holding
out on us. What we need to always remember is that the devil is a liar and the
father of lies. “So don’t
be afraid, little flock. For it gives the Father great happiness to give you
the Kingdom.” Believe God! He is able and will keep His promises to you and to
me and to all who will believe and follow Him.
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