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In a culture that increasingly demands draconian tolerance of anyone and everyone, any ideology or opinion, every choice or lifestyle, I find that cultures "universalistic tolerance" is not a reality at all. There is a script, a posture, a dogma that actually defines "tolerance" in very narrow terms.

If you ae a follower of Jesus Christ and are as open about your beliefs as any vegan might be about their menu choices, you can expect to be informed that your beliefs are not only unacceptable, but are, in themselves, the epitome of intolerance itself.

In some places of business, corporate leaders have now told employees they can no longer say, "Merry Christmas" while they are at work, because it may offend someone, i.e. anyone who may not consider Jesus Christ as the historical basis of the seasonal celebration at hand just now.

Corporate magnates have permitted an employee to say, "Happy Holidays" not knowing that the word "holiday" is simply a bastardization of the word "holy-day". Why "holy-day"? because the basis of this seasonal celebration is the Feast of the Incarnation, the feast celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, who is God, the eternal Son. He was incarnate from His mother Mary who was a virgin, and His conception was a Sovereign act by the Holy Spirit.

Historically (which seems to hold little water at all for the talking corporate heads) the Feast of the Incarnation celebrated by Christians was also called "The Christ Mass"... Christmas as it is called by many today.

I wonder what will be said when I say, "Happy Holy Days" at work next week. I rebuked for saying, "Merry Christmas" to customers who greeted me back with the same seasonal phrase. "Corporate has told us that we may not say that!" I was loudly shamed in front of all the other workers and customers. To which I replied, "I'm sorry but I don't agree with that." Nothing more was said to me, but I expect I may hear more about it this coming week.

It seems like intolerance to me, a kind of anti-religious bias.

I have lived long enough, have practical experience in cross-cultural work for decades and am historically versed enough to recognize folks from various cultural and ethnic backgrounds so as to be sensitive, and I have been. Not everyone I serve is bid "Farewell" by my saying, "Merry Christmas".

I may revert to saying, "Joyeux Noel... or Buon Natale...or С Рождеством" We'll see.



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