When God calls you to follow Him, He doesn’t give you a road-map. He gives you Himself. God will lead where we can’t conceive of going. His ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts. That is why the Holy Spirit works in us constantly to renew our minds that the mind of Christ we have been given demolishes the strongholds of thought that our flesh has relied on as “true”. Those thoughts that try and exalt themselves in pretense above the Knowledge of God must be dismantled and swept away.
It’s now God’s Word defines who we are, what the Holy Spirit has made us to be by uniting us into the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ: new creations given a life we have never lived and could never conceive of living apart from the Holy Spirit living it within us and through us. The Lord leads us by His Word as a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. It’s not a halogen spot, because we, in seeing what’s up ahead, would try to figure out how to get there on our own. The will of God and the purpose of God is either done by the power and life of God within us, or its not done at all.
We will never be abandoned; never be left on our own. There is no distance between the Lord God and His followers, His sons and daughters. He is not merely beside us; He dwells IN US permanently, with resurrection power. Our not knowing or understanding has never been a hinderance to the Lord changing our lives, leading us, bringing us to the place He has been leading and guiding us to. He will keep leading and guiding because He is our GOOD Shepherd. God found me. I didn’t find Him. I found Him seeking me that I might seek Him and learn to trust Him more than what I can see.
I believe there are seasons where He leads me as if I were a blind man. He is guides me when I cannot see. He will restore my sight; He always does. But, when my sight has been restored, it will be because I have learned to trust Him, His Word, His Character and Nature to the degree that I trust His guidance more now than what I can see now. And what I do see, I rely on Him to explain and make clear what I am seeing as He renews my mind.
Abraham went without knowing where he was going. He simply followed the One Who had called Him into a destiny. It was a destiny that would result in the Incarnation, the crucifixion and resurrection of the Lamb of God, the Lion of Judah, the Word made flesh, Eternal God, the Son.
Lead on,
Oh Lord!
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