There is coming a time, and it seems closer now than farther away, when a world “leader” will arise at the culmination of the chaos that we see brewing all around us today. He will promise peace and safety for the whole world IF ONLY the nations will surrender their sovereignty to him. His claim to being able to provide world peace will be preceded with sensory-overwhelming signs, miracles and wonders. These phenomena will not confirm anything he claims, but will proceed his claims so as to cast a spell of awe over the peoples of the earth.
In direct contrast, the miracles done by Jesus Christ and by the Holy Spirit through the church down through the ages have been manifested to confirm the Word of God proclaimed. Jesus Christ even did many miracles away from the crowds to not call attention to Himself. True Holy Spirit signs and miraculous wonders will always point to Jesus Christ as the Messiah, the only Savior of humanity.
The demonic signs and wonders done by the world “leader” I referred to will not point to Jesus Christ at all. They will be done to attempt to reinforce the claim of this rising “leader” that he is, in fact, God come to earth to save it. The deception will be swallowed by most because they have refused to love the Truth that has already been revealed in Jesus Christ.
Thessalonians 2:9-12 “ This man will come to do the work of Satan with counterfeit power and signs and miracles. He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction, because they refuse to love and accept the Truth that would save them. So, God will cause them to be greatly deceived, and they will believe these lies. Then they will be condemned for enjoying evil rather than believing the truth.”
God’s Word makes it clear that those who are indeed on their way to eternal destruction are on that way BECAUSE they have refused to love God’s love for them; they have refused to accept God’s Truth that could save them. God’s Love and Truth grounded solely in the Life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the means of God’s grace for all who will believe Him. There is salvation in no other. There is forgiveness of sin and wickedness in no other.
God will “give over” those who refuse
the Truth to a strong delusion, letting them go their own way which will end in
eternal destruction. But they don’t have to experience that if they will only
turn from self and turn to God that they might actually become whole and fully
human again. There is still time left to repent, but time is running out. The
day will come when there will not be time to turn, for Judgement will fall.
Please, believe and receive what God has done for you in Christ Jesus!
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