Jireh: The Lord, our Provider
Jireh means so much more than “Provider.” It means “The One Who sees ahead.”
The Lord saw ahead that Abraham was going to obey Him in offering up Isaac on the mountain and sent ahead a ram caught in the thicket.
The Lord saw ahead a massive famine was coming and sent Joseph ahead to Egypt to save nations and peoples.
The Lord saw ahead that Haman was going to destroy all the Jews in Medo-Persia and He sent Esther ahead to become Xerxes’ queen to save His people from destruction.
The Lord from the beginning saw ahead the relentless hopelessness of humanity, dead in sin and lost to the relationship God had created us for and He spoke that He was going to send ahead His own Eternal Son, to be born of a woman to take the sin of the world upon Himself so that we might be saved from eternal separation from Him.
God sees ahead and sends His provision for whatever is ahead, things we cannot see or imagine, so that when we arrive at what God has already seen, His grace is there to meet us and sustain us.
that may be happening in your life is a surprise to God, therefore, don’t be
undone by what you find before you. Fix your eyes, your hearts on the One Who has
seen ahead and don’t let the storm that is raging distract you from the One Who
has, at this moment, already sent ahead all you need. Look to Him in confident
faith for He IS Yaweh Jireh.
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