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Showing posts from May, 2023
  ASCENSION DAY In Solomon's temple, in the Holy of Holies, there was a chair on the right-hand side of the Ark of the Covenant. On the Day of Atonement when the High Priest went in with the sacrificial blood to sprinkle on the Ark through a cloud of incense, the High priest never used that chair, never sat down. That is because he would be back next year for the sacrifices were not done. They had to continue because the blood of bulls and goats could never change the heart of humanity. The blood covered for forgiveness, but never washer the transgressors clean. Hebrews 10:11-18 “Under the old covenant, the priest stands and ministers before the altar day after day, offering the same sacrifices again and again, which can never take away sins. But our High Priest offered Himself to God as a single sacrifice for sins, good for all time. Then HE SAT DOWN IN THE PLACE OF HONOR AT GOD’S RIGHT HAND. There He waits until His enemies are humbled and made a footstool under His feet. For by...
 FROM HEART TO MIND I think that one of the difficulties that beset evangelicalism is an adoration of the intellect. I have heard and read all too often, “The battle to shape our hearts by the truths our minds already know is never over.” The truth from Scripture is that it is our minds that are in desperate need of renewal. You never read in the Epistles any Apostle stating that, after being born again by the Holy Spirit, our hearts need to be renewed. It’s our minds that are in need of being daily renewed by the work and power of the Holy Spirit applying the Word of God to practically and demonstratively change the way we think and see life. Our lives are in desperate need of reorientation to see all of life as God alone sees and knows it. You see, the believer has already been given a new heart and a new spirit made right with God where the Holy Spirit is living out the Life of Jesus Christ transforming us from the inside out. The Holy Spirit is perfecting in us the obedienc...
 GOOD NEWS Satan continues his efforts to make sin less offensive, Heaven less appealing, Hell less horrific and the Gospel less urgent. But the wage that sin pays is death and separation from any and all goodness for all eternity. Hell is a place of indescribable torment and isolation where you are alone in your worst imagined day with the prospect of your only becoming more desolate in agony of loss each moment. Whereas Heaven is a real place of eternal goodness. It's where redeemed humanity ever lives on to become all it was ever intended by God. It's not sitting on clouds with harps. It's where people in new eternal and indestructible bodies live on in everlastingly creative, growing, relational wholeness with myriads of others from every race, language and ethne. There will be eternal community and joy with all others who have believed what God alone could do to rescue them from sin, death, Hell and the grave. They are those who put no confidence in human efforts of s...
 THE COMFORTER The Holy Spirit is called "the Comforter" by Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is infinitely more than one Who sits by us patting our hand saying, "There, there." Comfort is a compound word coming from Latin. "Com" means with and "fortis" means power. Thus, THE Comforter in One Who has come with Power, infinite power able to do far above and beyond what we could ever ask or imagine as He works IN us. The Holy Spirit lives out the very Life of Jesus Christ in each and every one of Jesus' followers, those who have believed Him and have received His gift of eternal life. What EVER your concern, need, sorrow, confusion, pain or struggle, as follower of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit lives in you to transform your life. He lives in you to provide wisdom, guidance, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, love, joy, peace, self-control and the very power of Resurrection. The Holy Spirit practically applies to us and in us the salvation ...
 THE DEMISE OF HARRY VIA MEGHAN Ruben Vieira    ·     ·  Narcissist has no identity. It's like a mirror of people. That's why he likes power and having people with characteristics he values ​​around to mirror. What they envy most is people's authenticity and real light. Light if you prefer soul. This is where most people don't understand. The narcissist is a failed attempt at the nature of a complete human being. Of a living being outside and inside. But He is dead inside. And he is consciously or not ashamed of it. And so, it creates a hyper ego. A character if you like. To be able to live in this world. Narcissists have no conscience, and this is scientifically known. They are the famous fallen angels described in the Bible who lost their light. Clearer impossible. The narcissist when he sees that he cannot have real inner light like the partner is when the hate begins. because he envies having that happiness and genuine light. I was told by one. Alt...
 THE DREAM God has said that what my eye has never seen, nor my ears ever heard, nor my mind could ever imagine, He has prepared for me. This does not mean that I am clueless and thus it is pointless to imagine and dream. It means that I cannot out-dream God.
 STAND AND DELIVER I simply cannot stand silent about certain things for my silence can be easily interpreted as acquiescence or tacit agreement. I will not affirm the growing ideological miasma that would call evil "good" and decry good as "evil." This is not a political stance, nor it is mere opinion. God, the Creator of all that is actually knows what thoughts and actions will make for true human living. He made us and knows what will make life work best for the "crown of His creation." What God says is destructive to human life and true community is clear and eternally true. What God says will make for life is clear and eternally true. Greed, lying, pride-grounded jealousy, envy, deceit, hostility, sexual immorality, idolatry (putting ANYTHING or ANYONE as the orienting center of one's life other than God), lust, selfish ambition, rage, sorcery, arrogance...all these will corrupt human life and ultimately destroy it. Humanity has a long record of l...