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I think that one of the difficulties that beset evangelicalism is an adoration of the intellect. I have heard and read all too often, “The battle to shape our hearts by the truths our minds already know is never over.”

The truth from Scripture is that it is our minds that are in desperate need of renewal. You never read in the Epistles any Apostle stating that, after being born again by the Holy Spirit, our hearts need to be renewed. It’s our minds that are in need of being daily renewed by the work and power of the Holy Spirit applying the Word of God to practically and demonstratively change the way we think and see life.

Our lives are in desperate need of reorientation to see all of life as God alone sees and knows it. You see, the believer has already been given a new heart and a new spirit made right with God where the Holy Spirit is living out the Life of Jesus Christ transforming us from the inside out. The Holy Spirit is perfecting in us the obedience of Jesus, His faithfulness, His righteousness, His Truth, His salvation, and His will. The Holy Spirit makes the things of Jesus Christ real to us; revelation insight for living.

Daily “hiding His Word in our hearts” gives the Holy Spirit what is needed to transform our minds to understand with God’s understanding from heart to mind. For salvation is of the Lord, not of our intellect and reasoning ability. It’s when our minds are renewed by the work and power of the Holy Spirit that we are able to prove that the will of the Lord for us is good, perfect and acceptable. The direction of life transformation, the living out of the salvation of God is from heart to mind.

The enemy doesn’t want us to realize that we can live from the new heart and new spirit, the new Life we have been given. Satan wants us to trust our minds rather that the Lord Himself. The enemy wants us limited by what seems reasonable to us, when “what eyes has not seen, what ear has not heard, what is beyond anything we could ever ask or conceive of…” THESE things are revealed by the Holy Spirit. He is able to do far beyond and above all we could ask or think.

Lord God, I ask in Jesus Name that, what You have established in my heart and spirit be an ever more transforming reality in my mind that I may live life in sole reference to Who You are and not merely to what “I think”.


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