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So many people have believed the satanic lie that IF they surrender their lives to God in Christ Jesus that life will become dull, empty, without meaning or purpose. The lie states that they will become one dimensional, lacking a sense of humor, bitter and judgmental, arrogant and self-righteous. It is important to remind us all that Satan is a liar and the father of lies.

The truth is, writing our own story as if we somehow have a corner on the truth of who we are as human beings, is what got humanity in the dire straits it’s in today. Sin is never creative; it can never give anyone a grounded sense of meaning or purpose. In fact, it does all it can to distract us from thinking about life deeply, lest we realize that meaning and purpose do not come from somewhere “deep within the human soul”.

The truth is that sin in all its varied forms makes human life one dimensional. Sin never fully satisfies. If it did, you’d only have to sin once and you’d be satisfied. Whether is be lust for power, sex, or money, that lust is never sated. As someone, “When is ‘enough’ enough?” If alcohol or drugs could deal with our pain, confusion, or sorrow, we’d only have to get high once and we’d be fine ever after. Sin wants us to deny who we are so that we build idols of our own to worship, sacrifice our very lives away trying to give us a sense of identity. But it never works. Sin never fills a person up; it carves out a deeper crater of ravenous longing, promising to fill our gnawing need while only digging a deeper hole in our soul.

Sin distorts all things. It makes humor mean and mocking. It makes one bitter through the lens of jealousy. It is cancerously judgmental, damning of all who refuse to affirm our life-choices. It is self-righteous in its virtue-signaling; claiming to be able to make us wise, sin makes fools of us all.

Think about this. It is the potter or the painter or the gardener who describe and delineate the purpose of the vessel, the canvas, or the plot of land to be cultivated. God created humanity and He alone is the source of, the ground of purpose and meaning that could cause the human spirit to flourish and bear such “fruit” that anyone watching could see the hand-print of the Creator. This alone can be the source of the greatest joy and fulfillment ever to be known.

Satan hates all God has made whether it be land, oceans, atmosphere, birds, fish, mammals, insects, reptiles, or amphibians. But most of all, the devil hates humanity for we bear the image of God. That is why he has convinced so many, down through the ages, that God is their enemy. Satan subtly convinces those disconnected from the Life of their Creator, that they have ALWAYS needed something more than God.

Honest confession that our own way has not yielded the sin-promised harvest and turning to the Gardener and Creator Who is Life itself is the beginning of discovering, not the ending of meaning and purpose. To accept that we have been lied to by Satan and the forces of spiritual darkness and then to turn away from self as the ground of truth and to ask from God what He has already made provision for; forgiveness, we find the Lord Jesus’ sacrifice applied supernaturally to us. We receive the forgiveness of God as we turn from self and turn to Him for the reclamation, rescue, and restoration of our true selves. The Holy Spirit will give us a new heart and a new spirit and will begin to live out within us the Life of Jesus Christ, making all things new. We become new creations; united to the Creator for eternity so that true meaning and purpose can be known in the hear-and-now, not as mere philosophical constructs.

God does not destroy our souls. He restores our souls, our lives. Surrender to the love of God’s love in Jesus Christ is the only thing that can make life whole again. God spoke and it was recorded, “Behold. I make all things new!” (Revelation 21:5). He’s not “making all new things”, but He is making all things new in all who will believe Him and what He has done to rescue humanity through the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ. God has already done everything necessary to restore us to Himself and restore us to authentic humanity.

Do not believe Satan’s lie that God hates you. God has demonstrated His love for us in that while we were all still slaves of sin, living in open rebellion against the Truth, Jesus Christ gave Himself to rescue us. God always finishes what He begins. When He begins His good work of salvation in you, He does so as a Father to His new children whom He makes His own heirs.

It is a great comfort to realize that when God calls someone out of death into life, you can be sure that He has already factored in our stupidity. He knows, even if we don’t yet see it, the fact that, as babies do, we will need to learn to walk and follow Him by His life and power being lived in us by the Holy Spirit.

Stop believing the “lie” and begin to believe the Love.


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