God loves all people but the things that torque, deceive, and mar that image of God given to us, He has no toleration for because it keeps us from what He knows as His best for us. God’s love is jealous for us because He wants His best for us and His wrath is against anything that would keep us from that Good. Yes, people are free to choose not to let Jesus be Lord of their lives, but demanding that I approve and bless what God states is contrary to His plan for humanity this is what I think is ultimate injustice. I have dear people I love who are gender dysphoric and living a gay lifestyle. I don’t define them by their sin any more than God defines me by sin I struggle with. Actually, my opinion matters very little, but I do believe what God has stated will make for true living and what will reduce a person to mere existence and ultimately numb their souls to become like spiritual lepers where they can no longer feel that their way is not making for life as God desires for them. All of us are born sinners and that’s why Jesus suffered, died, rose again, ascended to heaven and sent the Holy Spirit to empower all who would believe Him to live new lives. People chose to live out the brokenness of sin in many ways. The list seems endless: greed, envy, bitterness, unforgiveness, sexual immorality in its varied forms, pride, narcissism, control, witchcraft (manipulation, intimidation, and domination), alcoholism, abuse, mercilessness and the like. I can’t condemn having been forgiven for much worse than I see in people still trapped by the deceitful mess of sin. I know I’ll be called “judgmental, bigoted, and all manner of phobics” because I can’t approve, endorse or bless what God states will ultimately destroy the creatures of God. But, there I stand and can stand nowhere else. God help me. I love you.
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