When the Scriptures declare that Jesus, being fully human, was without sin, it is making clear that Jesus Christ, the Word of God Incarnate, the Eternal Son of God being conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary had no sin nature unlike every other human being since the “fall” of Adam.
Jesus Christ never resisted the Holy Spirit but being filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit and anointed with Power for His ministry on earth, He lived out the Kingdom of God in the context of a worldly culture that is still broken and distorted by rebellion.
The culture of this world is entirely alien to the culture of Heaven, but Jesus Christ, being fully God and fully man lived out and demonstrated that the Kingdom of God is infinitely and eternally greater than the broken “kingdom” of this world. This present world culture is ruled by demonic darkness and evil. That “brokenness” is masked as benevolent when it is nothing but malevolent.
When Jesus Christ comes to live out His life in a believer, to rule there as Lord over mind, will, emotion, body and heart, the Kingdom of God begins to transform the believer’s whole life. The Kingdom of God, His absolute rule in the life of a follower of Jesus Christ, causes that person to become more and more whole and once again more fully human.
Life lived
out in that follower of Jesus Christ begins to display and reflect the culture
of the Kingdom of God. That Kingdom culture is alien to this world, as different
as light is to darkness. That Life and Light shining through the follower of
Jesus Christ makes visible the Love and Grace of God so that others, still
enslaved by sin and blinded to what true humanity is meant to be may see and be
rescued from brokenness and rebellion to become new creations by the Grace of
God and the Power of the Holy Spirit.
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