People, everywhere and in every age have asked questions like these. “Where can I find lasting peace?” “Where can I find the meaning and purpose of human living?” “Where can I find joy that circumstances cannot alter?” “Where can I discover the order and integration that I feel I was made to know?” “Who am I really and why am I here now?”
Those questions have percolated in everyone, everywhere. That is because when we separated ourselves from God (because we didn’t want anyone to be in charge of our lives but US) we became lost to ourselves. Meaning and purpose only come from the One who created us. Meaning and purpose can only come from being in an intimate and dependent relationship with God. He alone knows why we are here and for what reason. But now being lost with a broken moral compass misfiring in us all, we have no capacity of finding our way back to what was meant to be.
The wonder of it all is that the faithfulness of God has removed the guesswork from trying to figure out where authentic life comes from and where to find it. God has made it clear that if we seek Him with our whole hearts, we will find Him…He will reveal Himself to us. He has not made it like a search for a needle in a haystack. He came to earth Himself, born like us as a baby, grew up like us into full adulthood revealing what real human living was meant to be.
He died the ultimate self-sacrificial death to destroy the sin and the corruption and death we had embraced to rule in us. Jesus Christ died the death we deserved due to our rebellion to make a way, the only way, for us to be restored to God and to know true life once again. The guesswork has been removed. Jesus Christ IS the way, the truth, and the Life. No one can come to God and thus know wholeness in life except through Him. He is the only way to be restored to God.
It is by
God’s power and grace, not human initiative or striving that life’s question
are answered. It is not by achieving, but by believing God. The simplicity of
the Gospel is its greatest offence to people still groping in darkness.
Helplessness and dependency are two things people seem to hate the most, but
knowing them to be true, they become a strength given to us by God to turn from
self, turn to God for salvation and become who we were created to be.
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