When I
feel dry, You are still that spring of Living Water within me. When I can’t
see, You are still my vision, oh Lord of my life. When I don’t understand, You
are still eternal Wisdom within me to guide me. When I feel alone, I am never
alone for You will never leave or forsake me. When I feel dead, You never stop
being Resurrection Life within me. When I feel unloved or unlovable, You never
stop loving me with an everlasting Love that nothing can separate me from. When
I feel like I’m just “marking time in place” You never stop working Your
purposes in me for You promised that having begun the good work of salvation in
me, You will bring it to competition; You always finish what You start. You are
always the Lord my Peace, the Lord my Salvation, the Lord my Provision, the
Lord my Hope, the Lord my Refuge, the Lord my Protector, the Lord my Strength,
the Lord my Anointing, the Lord my Shield, the Lord my Song, the Lord my Banner,
the Lord my Joy. You are the Almighty, Eternal Triune God: Father, Son and Holy
Spirit. You are my Creator, my Redeemer, My Sustainer, my Comforter, my
Salvation, and my Life. I am blessed beyond measure, no matter how I feel, what
my circumstances are or who might stand against me. You, my Lord, have made me
more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ Who loves me. Thank you, Lord!
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