The world-system attempts to function with a broken moral compass. It has not and will never give any human being a directionally “True North” to guide it into wholeness. Rather than putting the pieces of broken humanity back together, it is dismantling life continually and relentlessly.
The world’s way of “living” is living out of flawed instincts manifested in pride, excess and distortion. It walks in the footsteps of Cain, letting envy and jealousy work toward the destruction of anything that confronts its selfishness. It uses deceit, thinly veiling its avarice with “causes” to extort money to try and satisfy its lust to accumulate stuff in a vain attempt to validate its worth.
The world’s way rages against and denies God’s authority over all of creation thus giving birth to moral decay and inhumanity rather than peace. It rejects the only things that will make for life because it despises humility, rejecting true virtue while replacing it with “virtue-signaling” that is grounded in the worship of self. That selfishness causes the human heart to shrivel, becoming smaller and smaller, pinched, and hollowed out.
The world’s promises are empty of substance like clouds without rain, all form but no substance leaving the human heart parched and dry with an ongoing diminishment in the ability to truly love. Being spiritually dead, doubly dead, its roots are rotten with branches that never produce any fruit that isn’t poisonous. The world’s ways have a trajectory leading to eternal emptiness and wretched darkness, isolation from all that is good, just or kind.
Only the
Love of God in Christ Jesus can deliver a person out of this way of sin and
death. Only God can salvage, rescue, and restore a human life. Only the Holy
Spirit can deliver us from the kingdom of darkness and translate us into the
Kingdom of God. Only God can turn sinners into saints. The world and its ways
dismantle life. Only the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ can cause one
to become a new creation with a new heart, a new spirit, and a new way of
living so that we might become fully human again. We were meant to know God, to
live in an intimacy of relationship with Him. We are only truly alive when He
becomes Life within us.
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