One of the Ten Commandments states, “You shall not take the Name of the Lord your God in vain.” Using the name of the Lord flippantly as a cuss word or a byword shows profound ignorance and indifference to the One Who is our Creator and the only Redeemer of humanity.
Christians speak of doing things “in the Name of the Lord” or speaking blessings “in the Name of the Lord.” The “Name of the Lord” is a phrase that connotes and denotes the fullness of all the Lord God is. To say, “In the Name of the Lord” is to convey the Omnipotence, the Omnipresence, and the Omniscience of all that the Triune God is. It is not something to be taken lightly.
Follower of Jesus Christ, do you realize that God has put His Name upon you; You belong to Him and to no other? He has put His seal on you by anointing you with the Holy Spirit. You are not your own. You have been bought with the price of the precious Blood of Christ. Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, whom you have from the Father. You bear the Name of the Lord your God. The term “Christian” defines that you are one in whom Jesus Christ has come to live His very Life by the Holy Spirit’s indwelling Presence. By God’s grace, you have taken on the Name of the Lord, your God. You bear His Name.
We are not to take the Name of the Lord, to bear the Name of the Lord in vain. Taking His Name, bearing His Name, living because He is living in you will make a radical difference in the way to approach living…how you do life. It is in utter dependency upon Him, relying of what He had done, what He has begun and promises to bring to completion in you that is to shape every dimension of your life. It is in that Living that the world has the opportunity to see what being fully human is meant to be.
Lord, may
Your power and grace work in me at all times and in all places that I not be
seen to be bearing Your Name, taking your Name in vain. I ask in in Jesus Name.
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