Before I ever was, God knew me fully. All my days were known. He knew my beginning and knows my end here on earth. Nothing, absolutely nothing has even been hidden from Him. All my thoughts, every motivation, every intent, every action, all I would ever do or fail to do, every sin and failure, He knew before the foundation of the world.
Struggling to know that reality, that truth, I am overwhelmed by the goodness of God. I am astounded by His compassion and the immeasurable nature of His grace. I am stunned by the love of His judgement, the power of His salvation and redemption of one (me) who was dead, separated from Life. He has given me a new heart and a new life without any reference to anything I have ever done or left undone. He rescued me. He brought me into a relationship with Himself. He opened my blind eyes. He took out my stoney, dead, and rebellious heart and gave me a new heart, a new spirit, new Life in Himself. I am wonderfully undone by His love that rescued me when I had no way of rescuing myself. He raised up this man who was once dead in sin and has given me Eternal Life. He has given me Himself, has united me to Himself, and has come to live out His Own Life in me by the Holy Spirit.
From start to finish, I am utterly dependent upon Him and ever will be, which is the ground of my hope, my peace, and my joy, for He never fails. What He has promised He will never fail to complete in me. It is by His own Spirit that I am even able to follow Him and to grow in the relationship He has given me.
The wonder of it all is that I can call God my Father, Jesus Christ my Lord, and the Holy Spirit the Sovereign of my life. The Eternal and Holy Trinity created me, rescued me, loves me, and will cause me to become more and more, each day, my best self. I am alive because He is Life within me. I can take no credit in any of this. It's not about who I am, but it IS all about Who He is and what He has done.
What a
wonder it is. What a Wonder He is!
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