1 Thessalonians 2:15-16
“They fail to please God and WORK AGAINST ALL HUMANITY as they try to keep us from preaching the Good News of salvation to the Gentiles. By doing this, they continue to pile up their sins.”
WOW! What a startling statement! St. Paul is making it crystal clear that those who oppose and work to prevent the proclamation of the Gospel are actually “working against ALL HUMANITY.”
Why would he write that? It is because the only means of the restoration, reclamation and salvation of humanity is what God has done for all people through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. That is the essence of the Gospel: Jesus Christ. To oppose and try to silence the presentation of the Gospel is to work against the reclamation of all humanity.
Who would want to work against ALL humanity? Satan is the name by which he is known. He hates ALL humanity because every human being still bears the image of God, albeit that image is marred and broken by sin. Every human being has been called into being by God and is loved by God. Satan is committed to the breaking, twisting, scaring and destruction of every human being. Satan hates ALL humanity because every human still drawing breath has a choice to respond to God’s grace.
Satan has already made his final and infernal choice to reject God’s Sovereignty. He knows that his doom is sealed. But he is committed to taking as many human beings as he can to Hell with him. All humans still drawing breath can have their sin forgiven, be restored to God and to receive a new heart and a new spirit, a new life. They can have eternal life by believing what God has done and putting their trust in the One God did it through. Satan wants that Good News shut down to the point that he has had redefined the Good News as “hate speech” because it exposes sin as the death-dealing thing it is.
Understand who is behind the attacks on the Gospel and God’s people sharing it openly. Do not be confused. Understand who is motivating and inspiring those who attack the sharing and living of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That opposition is at its deepest and thoroughly staining level, is satanic.
This a true spiritual battle. Make no
mistake, this conflict is a life-and-death matter. Do not be deceived, do not be
deluded. Know your adversary!
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