The brokenness of pride has held as slaves so many to think that they don't need God and the Life He offers as a gift of grace. They don't realize that when one is spiritually dead, there is no internal remedy to be discovered in the human heart that will ever reverse the death that is at work within them. There is no one more ineffective at changing their circumstance than a dead person. There must be intervention from outside. There is no human being that can restore themself from being dead to being truly alive and fully human.
That is why God intervened in human history. That is why the Eternal Son of God became fully human while remaining fully God. It's called the Incarnation. He alone could reverse the inevitable consequence of sin that corrupts the human existence. Spirit, mind, will, emotion and body have all been infected by sin and there is no mere human remedy for this fatal condition. Only God, Himself, acting on behalf of humanity to bear the sin of the whole world in His humanity on a Roman cross to pay the debt of death that is the wage sin ultimately inflicts.
Jesus Christ took into Himself the totality of the sin of humanity. He, Who never sinned, became sin on our behalf, so that we might become new creations, born of God, born again out of death into Life eternal. Only by believing what God has done for us (plus nothing else) and by surrendering the whole of life to Him does He come and live Life within us by the Holy Spirit. Only by such undeserved favor will we ever become fully human as God intended.
In trusting Him, believing that what He has said is eternally true, God unites us to Himself, redeems us, making us His own children. He fills us with His Spirit making us His own heirs, joint-heirs with Jesus Christ. Daily, He transforms us, unbending us where sin has torqued us, restoring us where sin has broken us, renewing our minds where sin has deceived us, healing us where our souls have been sick with sorrow or hatred.
There is no other means of human wholeness. He alone can save us and bring us out of our normative insanity into His peace. Jesus Christ made it clear when He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me." No one moves out of spiritual death into eternal life except through Jesus Christ, by believing in Him and surrendering all of life to Him so that He becomes life within the believer.
Don't waste another day trying to reclaim yourself. Trust the One Who has done everything necessary for you to know life in all its fulness.
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