is always a threat to the ungodly. They killed the prophets, crucified the Son
of God, stoned Stephen, and slaughtered all the Apostles save for John who died
in exile on the Isle of Patmos because for some reason, they couldn't kill him.
The pagans (those who worship anyone or anything other than the Eternal
Trinity) are not actually anti-religion, because the spirit that is at work in
them is not anti-religious. Satan has inspired a plethora of religions. The
ungodly, like their master (who has them deceived into thinking that they act
on their own initiative) is anti-Christ, anti-Jesus Christ, anti-The Word of
God Incarnate and the only Savior of humanity. This is not about politics. This
is spiritual warfare of the 1st order. This battle is not against flesh and
blood, but against principalities, powers, and rulers of spiritual darkness in
high places. The world's system will always see God as a threat because He
alone can save, salvage, redeem, restore, and give the gift of repentance,
grace, and the gift of life transformation. He alone can make humanity fully
human once more.
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