19:8-10 “Meanwhile,
Zacchaeus stood before the Lord and said, “I will give half my wealth to the
poor, Lord, and if I have cheated people on their taxes, I will give them back
four times as much!” Jesus responded, “Salvation has come to this home today, for this man has shown
himself to be a true son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are
Have you ever known someone who talked about their faith,
Bible reading, etc. whose output…personally or professionally was anything but?
The singer whose lyrics need an “Explicit” warning on the label; the composer or author whose descriptions of some human activity could, at best, be called sordid? There
are many people who live with one foot in one world and one foot in another.
This is bifurcated faith…not integrated faith. Fact is, when someone surrenders
to Jesus Christ, life changes. That’s a sign of salvation.
I was studying the Gospel of Luke, I came to chapter 19 where I read the story
of Zacchaeus, a very short Jewish man who collected taxes for Rome in the city
of Jericho. Jesus Christ was traveling through the city and Zacchaeus wanted to
catch a glimpse of him but was too short to see over the crowds. So, he ran on
up ahead and climbed a tree to get a better venue from which to see the Lord.
As Jesus came up to the tree, He stopped and invited Himself to a meal at
Zacchaeus’ home!
were shocked and offended at Jesus for going to this notorious sinner’s home to
share a meal and be the guest of this man. What transpired because of this was
a change of heart, repentance it’s called, and a change of behavior…a sign that
something had happened within Zacchaeus. The crooked tax collector stood up and
declared before Jesus. “I will give half my wealth to the poor, Lord, and if
I have cheated people on their taxes, I will give them back four times as much!” IF I have cheated? Everyone knew he had cheated, but
his repentant declaration was that reparation that the Law required for theft. Something
dramatic had taken place and everyone could see it. Zacchaeus was not the same
guy anymore.
responded, “Salvation has come to this home today, for this man has shown
himself to be a true son of Abraham. For the
Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.” There was evidence that God’s salvation had come and
changed Zacchaeus’ heart. The power of the Kingdom of God manifest in Jesus
Christ had penetrated a heart of stone and made it a soft, receptive heart. The
tax collector’s life was changed. It would no longer be the same.
evidence that salvation had come to Zacchaeus was a changed life, a changed
focus in being. He was going to help the poor in the city and make reparations
to those he had cheated to become rich. He’d still be a tax collector; that was
his profession, but he would be and honest tax collector; a rare item in his
But when salvation
comes to a person, life changes dramatically, so dramatically it’s referred to
as “being born again”. Followers of Jesus are called “new creations in Christ Jesus” where old
things pass away and all things become new. A radically saved one does not
continue to live a lifestyle of habitual sin. The saved one no longer looks to
the world or culture to validate their worth or authenticate their identity.
God has given them a new way of life that is going to be lived out in and
through them by the indwelling Person and Presence of the Holy Spirit. It’s a
long obedience in the same direction, a marathon race where we keep our eyes
fixed on Jesus. I pray daily for folks whose testimony and life
seem contradictory even as I pray
for my own life daily that we would experience the ongoing work of the Holy
Spirit, being conformed more and more to look like the one we call Lord and
Savior, Jesus Christ.
All that said, a
changed and changing life is a sign of God’s salvation that everyone can see a
Jericho did that day when Jesus came to dinner.
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