Mark 8:31-38 “Then
Jesus began to tell them that the Son of Man must suffer many terrible
things and be rejected by the elders, the leading priests, and the teachers of
religious law. He would be killed, but three days later He would rise from the
dead. As He talked
about this openly with His disciples, Peter took Him aside and began to
reprimand Him for saying such things. Jesus turned
around and looked at His disciples, then reprimanded Peter. “Get away from me, Satan!” He said, “You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from
God’s.” Then, calling the
crowd to join His disciples, He said, “If any of
you wants to be My follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross,
and follow Me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give
up your life for My sake and for the sake of the Good News, you will save it. And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own
soul? Is anything worth more than your soul? If anyone is ashamed of Me and My message in these adulterous and
sinful days, the Son of Man will be ashamed of that person when He returns in
the glory of His Father with the holy angels.”
Just after Jesus was baptized by John and anointed by
the fullness of the Holy Spirit as Messiah, He was driven into the wilderness
to be tempted by the devil. The Lord was tempted to focus on His own personal
need, bread, to let the world’s priorities of wealth and power define Him and
to have success sight of others be the ground of the truth of Who He was rather
than His Father’s Word to Him, “You are my Son, with You I am well pleased.”
Peter’s reprimand of Jesus harkened back to the desert temptation. Jesus’
rebuke was to Satan who was speaking through Peter’s human weakness and
ignorance of the plan of God for the salvation of the world. He will rebuke the
same distortion in us lest we be deceived.
Sin had to be overcome by the inexpressible suffering
and sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on the cross. The world’s way of
conquering, the transfer of power from one tyranny always results in the
liberator of tyranny becoming the new version of a tyrant. The world’s way does
not involve a change of heart, the transformation of life, just a transfer of
power from one broken life to another broken life motivated by pride, jealousy,
and envy. In Jesus Christ the tyranny of death, that thing that causes people
to despair of life as ultimately, in the end, meaningless, had to be
“If any of you wants to be My follower, you must give up your own
way, take up your cross, and follow Me.” Sheep in Jesus’ day followed their shepherd.
They may not have understood why or where, but they followed their shepherd
because he was their shepherd. Jesus, our Good Shepherd, was heading to
Jerusalem where suffering, betrayal, and death awaited Him. Taking one’s cross
and following Him carried a finality we struggle to get in our day. When anyone
was seen carrying a cross surrounded by Roman soldiers, it was a given that
they were not coming back. Jesus Christ, our Good Shepherd, was telling all who
follow Him that He was going to make a way through death to deal with sin in
finality. It is written, “He Who knew no sin became sin for us that in Him, we
might become the righteousness of God.” (2 Corinthians 5:21) To follow where
Jesus has led, where He leads, means that we die to self, to our old assumed
ways of trying to live life, and begin to live Life from a radically different Source;
to be born anew into Eternal Life. The victory Jesus would win was a cosmic
one, not a temporal one. It would not bring about a change in human governance,
but would establish a new and eternal Kingdom within all who would believe Him.
Peter had his focus set on worldly assumptions of what
the Messiah would do. He had an earthly mind-set, a political one. Where have I
set my mind; the things of God or the things of this world? Casting Satan
behind me, Jesus Christ gives me an eternal reset of mind and direction,
diametrically opposed to the dominate narrative of the world. We are justified
by what Jesus has done and that alone. Personal approval, power or pleasure all
pale and fall away as any instrumentality to define human identity or worth.
If you try and squeeze meaning from life by hanging
onto it through human effort, you will lose it. You cannot make yourself fully
human when you are dead in sin. You must follow Jesus in the power He provides
and let the world’s reference to life die. Jesus said that unless a grain of
wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains solitary, but if it dies, it
brings forth a harvest. Jesus Christ is the Word of God made flesh. There is
Life, Eternal life in no other. So, Jesus plants His Eternal Word in us,
calling us to die to self, turn from selfishness and sin, and to have His Word “germinate”
in us so that His Life rises up, displacing sin and death and displaying the
Kingdom of God in the Holy Spirit’s power.
Letting go and letting Jesus reign in all of life will
displace those sneaky idols that still vie for control in aspects of our lives,
lying that they will make us more acceptable to the world around us. The Word
of God has Life in it to deliver us from the residue of that old way of
thinking, being, and doing. Following Jesus into the reality of His death and resurrection,
taking up our cross so that by the Holy Spirit we may die to self and the world’s
distortion of life, we are being changed daily to look more and more like the
One Who died and rose again to make us new creations in Him.
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