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People were created for community. Solitary confinement is one of the cruelest punishments known to mankind for it is utter isolation from all human contact. I can tell you with assurance that Satan begins to attempt to mar the image of God in every human being from their earliest age. He whispers that you don’t belong, that you are “bad seed”, that you don’t have to obey their parents, that you are unaccepted as they are, that you are different from everyone. There are all sorts of situations, cross words, being excluded from games, and the like because other kids and even adults are so self-centered and insecure that they need to put others down to have any sense of security or worth. The lies seem to take on what looks like truth.

Then our ancient foe tells us that we need something that we never needed, a bridge that should never be crossed and that THIS will make us accepted, special, lauded and accepted. Even though it’s not true, lies begins to corrupt and encourage the exchange of the true essence of a person for a new false-self, Belonging is a huge need and becomes the satanic bait. So young men are sold a bill of satanic goods that if they will identify as a young woman, THEN they will receive the accolades and affirmation their souls are starved for. And the world will praise its own. The devil will make sure that the chains associated with the denial of one’s self will seem like “bonds of love.”

You see, Satan is always a liar, one with the intent to kill, steal and destroy. He lies that God made a mistake. Young man, you were meant to be a girl; young lady, you were meant to be a boy! If he can get a person to believe that God made a mistake in this dimension of life, then God should never be trusted with any dimension of human life. That toxicity begins to groom and nurture sin in a person’s life. Sin seems normal and God’s ways seem silly or antiquated. These are the devil’s lies and insinuations and the enemy provides multiple experiences that seem to validate the lies so as to attempt to distance you from what is true.

What sin does in the heart and soul of a person is very much like what leprosy does to its victims. Leprosy is a disease that destroys your nerves, so you do not feel pain. You can burn yourself and feel nothing, break an ankle, and feel nothing, even as the joint becomes gangrenous needing to amputated. Sin causes parts of your soul, mind, will and emotions to become so distorted that they become numb to the decay that is advancing to separate you from all goodness and life.

True life-giving community and belonging can only come as gifts from God who called you into being. He didn’t make a mistake in giving you your life. The truth is, that discovering who you are fully can only come from the One who created you. He has a purpose for you to discover in a living, real relationship with Him. The meaning of your life can only be found in His good plans for who you are. God has already made a remedy to deal with the sin in your life. You can know forgiveness, healing, restoration, and new life in Him through believing Jesus Christ and all He has done for you.

The Lord Jesus, alone, is your salvation, not the opinions of others. He will restore you to you, fill you with life, meaning and purpose. Do not be deceived. Sin will never help you discover who you are. It can’t save you.


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