Security – Ephesians 2:14
There is a
foundationary need in all humanity, a deep-seated hunger for security and
peace. That essential part of being fully human was lost to all of us when Adam
and Eve chose to believe the satanic lie that they could find wholeness and
meaning in life apart from God. They were not told to deny the existence of
God, to cease believing that God was there, but to simply believe that He did
not matter. Humanity was plunged into a darkness so profound that we were
deceived into believing that our “darkness” was actually “light”…enlightenment.
have, since then, measured security and peace by attempting to have everyone
around them conform to how they believe others should think and act in order to
be secure and peaceful. That demand that others be conformed into our image has
been the ground of wars, racism, slaughters and atrocities beyond comprehension
being perpetrated upon other humans. We have been deceived into thinking and
acting as if wholeness is something we can created and master.
true security will never be the fruit of human effort. It is a sovereign work
of God. True security and peace personally, in a family system of relationships,
or even globally cannot come from everyone else conforming to how I think they
should think and act. That essential security and peace hungered after by all,
whether they are conscious of it or not, comes from being conformed to the
image and likeness of Jesus Christ by the Power of the Holy Spirit. It can come
from no one and nowhere else.
It is only
in surrendering all of life to the Author of Life, Jesus Christ, that one can
become fully alive again, fully human. Only being forgiven by God, rescued by
God, redeemed by God, and restored to God in Christ Jesus can one begin to
understand and live in that security and peace than come from God alone. Only
then does that hunger become satisfied at last. God alone gives true peace and
He, Himself, is our security and ground of being. You can be sure, secure and
at peace. Are you?
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