No Weapon Formed Against You Will Prosper -- Isaiah 54:17
God never states that "no weapon will be formed against you." He just clearly declares that they will not prosper. So don't be dismayed when you see "weapons" being formed against you. You are clothed in Jesus Christ, God's armor. He is the Truth girding you, your Righteousness covering your heart, He is the Gospel giving you stability so you can run and not be weary, run and not faint. He is your Salvation, your helmet. The Holy Spirit is renewing your mind to conform it to Jesus' Mind. He is your shield for you live by His faith and He is the Sword of the Spirit, the Living Word. Saint, you are a soldier who never takes their armor off. You are clothed with Christ Jesus, a new DNA, a new "skin" never removed. The enemy only has flaming arrows of lies and deceit. He has no defensive weapons. When you resist him, all that Jesus is is brought to bear to drive him away and he has no recourse but to flee!!!
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