Alexander Solzhenitsyn made the statement that people are not equal. There is no "equality" in the sense of ability, talent, gifts and intellect (as wisdom comes in many varied forms, one not more exclusively important that the other). He stated that it is because we are not equal that we are free. It is when all are "made" equal that humanity is no longer free.
God does not judge our abilities by the world's standard, but by His own ability and standards which are infinite. A person yielded to God in all dimensions of human living, regardless of their human limitations will find God doing far above and beyond what they could ever ask or imagine by His power at work within them.
D. L. Moody, one of the greatest evangelists in the 20th century had little education, terrible grammar, awful syntax and thus not an impressive speaker by the world's standards. That mattered little because he yielded to the Holy Spirit, trusting that the One who had called him to mission and ministry would do what He promised to do.
Do not compare your economics, education, or human pedigree to anyone else in some vain attempt to ground your sense of worth and purpose. Draw your life, your purpose and meaning in life from the Author of Life. Follow the Good Shepherd. Rely on the One who created you and has redeemed you by the blood of His eternal Son, Jesus Christ. The accolades of this world are not worth the sacrifice of your life for what is ultimately worthless praise.
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