Horse…the Conquering King. Red Horse...war. Black Horse...famine. Pale Green
Horse...death. The Lord on His white horse, defeating sin and death has come to
the earth, suffered death for our salvation, died, rose again ascended back to heaven and
sending His Holy Spirit to live His life in all His followers, this Light of
Christ transforming hearts and minds, delivering people from sin and death,
exposes the values presumptions of this present world and its deceptions.
Light exposes the spiritual war (RED) at work in the human heart leading to
eternal death, the emptiness (FAMINE) presented as necessary and nourishing,
and the decay (PALE GREEN) of mind, will and emotions, the dissolution of life
as the world presumes it to be.
coming of the Lord Jesus and the empowering His people by the indwelling power
of the Holy Spirit exposes the spiritual war, the spiritual famine, and the
spiritual death that the world lives in reveres and will fight against the
advancing Kingdom of God to “preserve”.
Christ alone is the antidote to this spiritual war, spiritual famine and spiritual
death now reigning on the earth. Come to Him and be given peace the world can
never give, satisfaction the world does not possess, and life eternal that even
physical death can never alter.
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