Future time-traveling in your mind will get you entangled with unknowns. Satan can present you with "what ifs" that you can't see how God could possibly save and keep you. That's because you've begun to look with you own eyes at possibilities that don't exist and ideas that are actually trying to exalt themselves about the knowledge of God, Who He is, His character and all He has done in the past. He has promised to never leave or forsake you. That means that whatever deceptions that have been flashed up on the "screen" of your mind by the enemy are nothing more than lies to get your eyes off God and on your own finite, nearsighted resources.
When the Word of God tells us that "today is the day of salvation" the Lord is trying to get us to realize that we will experience His salvation in the here-and-now. The Lord Jesus meets you in the Holy Spirit's power where you actually are...right now. Grace is given to you for today as yesterday is past and the future, and whatever it holds, belongs to God alone. It is not in your purview! Living in the moment frees you by God's grace from any and all "what ifs?"
Bring Him all those worries that have cropped up. That is what bringing every thought to obey Christ Jesus is all about. Off-load those thoughts and ideas that are beyond you and even appear to be beyond God. THAT is a telltale sign that those particular thoughts are actually "fiery arrows" shot at you by your ancient foe. Let them go; lay them at the feet of Jesus for Him to extinguish them in the water of the Holy Spirit, the eternal hope that is yours as a joint heir with Jesus Christ. Receive the grace for today as the day begins and thank the Lord for them all as you lay your head down for rest and sleep as the day ends.
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