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If you have put your trust in what God has done for you in Christ Jesus, then you need to realize that God is living His Life within you by the Holy Spirit. He has not left anything out. He lives Life within you, and you have all you need to follow Him, to hear Him, to know Him and to cooperate with Him in what He is doing in the world to rescue others who were just as lost, confused and spiritually dead as you once were.

When you find yourself being led to worry, the devil is trying to subtly covey lies that God is not who He says He is. This is called a "doctrine of demons" as is usually grounded in the moment by referencing the reality of God against what you are feeling. Your feelings do not define who you are in Christ, but, the world around you has grown accustomed to defining who they are by what they feel. That is why life seems so unstable. Feelings come and go, are affected by what we ate for lunch, how much sleep we had or didn't have, by barometric pressure and the instability of others around you. God doesn't change. His promises never vary. His Presence in you is not modified by a "bad hair day."

Satan has not changed his demonic tactics. He wants you to doubt that God told you the Truth by attempting to get you to reference "Truth" to how you feel in the moment, or to distract you by "what ifs" or "if only". Thoughts that attempt to "exalt themselves" above the knowledge of God, what God has revealed about Himself in His Word. Those "vain imaginings" need to be stopped in their tracks, rejected and disposed of by bringing them to Jesus saying, "Do you see this crap!? I bring it to you to be torched in the Holy Spirit's fire. I don't want lies lodging in my mind!"

I may not always be able to see how God is working in the day-to-day, or moment-by-moment, but I can always see clearly who God is and how He keeps His covenant commitment to us in His Word, His revealed, written Word. I go there when I can't see clearly. It is my "touchstone" reminding me that He will never change, and that nothing in all creation can separate me from His love in Christ Jesus.

The Lord Jesus has left nothing out. His salvation working in you is complete and is being worked out in you with His promise to bring to completion what He began. It can all be worked out in you BECAUSE you belong to Him; you are His and He is Life within you.

Your hope is built on nothing less that Jesus' blood and righteousness. You dare not trust the "sweetest frame" but wholly lean on Jesus' Name. On Christ, the Solid Rock you stand; all other ground is sinking sand. (Great old hymn of faith.)


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