God's unconditional love is unconditional that cannot be earned or merited. God's love has never been given as a reward for human achievement of any kind. This infinite love was demonstrated in Jesus Christ's shredded body nailed to a Roman cross.
There is a condition to receiving that Love though, that has nothing to do with merit. That "condition" is believing what God has done, turning from sin's delusion that we can "redeem" or "reclaim" ourselves, and in that repentance, turning to God in utter surrender to receive His forgiveness and a new, eternal Life that will be lived in you by the Holy Spirit.
God's judgement against the sin that separates us from Him, sin that is bent on the destruction of real humanness is a fact. AND, if people refuse the Truth and cling to sin as their answer to humanity's brokenness rather than its cause, those who choose wickedness will know and experience the wrath of God and separation from all goodness for eternity.
God does not tolerate sin. He, in Love's infinite commitment, paid the sin-debt for all humanity on Christ Jesus. There is no other means of salvation and life-transformation except in and through Him. That is Good News! Salvation is not a matter of "searching for a needle in a haystack", it's found in Jesus Christ and Him alone. Jesus Christ accepts and receives us where we are, because that is the only place we are. It must be understood that He will never leave us in the condition in which He found us. Salvation transforms, not condones.
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