INVESTED GIVING Any "good" that is in our hands to give away has been placed there by God. The credit belongs to Him. When we do offer by giving to others what God has entrusted to us to pass on, we need to make sure that He gets the credit. We are a hose, not the water. When you give to the poor, best not to take a camera to record the event. Or as Jesus said, "Don't let your right hand know what your left hand is doing." The analogy Jesus gave us in that the Life the Holy Spirit is living in us is to be an overflowing artesian spring, not a dammed-up reservoir. God has invested His Kingdom in you. There is wisdom, revelation, encouragement, insight for living, His authority and power that you steward. Stewardship is investing, not hording. Ask the Lord where He wants you to pass on what he has invested in you. Others need to see and hear what you have seen and heard from Him.