There is a sliding away from Truth in many of the denominations that 100 years ago faithfully declared that Jesus Christ alone can save and redeem a human heart and life. There has been a growing cancerous accommodation to the idolatry, ideologies and deceptions the world has promulgated for ages. To turn from God's Truth to the doctrine of demons (humanity trusting in its own ability to make life work) is tantamount to turning from health to disease and death.
Isaiah 29:13 God Almighty declares.
‘These people honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me.
Their worship is a farce,
for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God.’
Salvation is of God alone. The Way into the Kingdom of God is through God, the Eternal Son, Jesus Christ. He alone is the Word of God made fully human to die the death we deserved so that we might turn from sin and death and be born into a new and eternal life by the power of God, not failing human effort.
Listen carefully, if what is preached and taught in any "church" you may attend does not point to solely to Jesus Christ as Lord and life transformed by the Holy Spirit, you are in a place slowly poisoning your soul and deadening you to Truth. If you follow Jesus Christ, your life will change. It will no longer reflect the world's ways of being and doing. Do not be deceived into compromising and embracing the idolatry of this present age.
True salvation through Jesus Christ will not accommodate, affirm, or bless sin. Jesus Christ will not leave you where He found you. He will not allow you to remain is any condition of soul-decay. He will change you into becoming who He created you to be.
Do not be deceived!
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