The claims of "transgenderism" are the work of satanic deception. They are lies that state that God somehow made a mistake in creating someone. Demonic deception wants a person to always believe that God cannot be trusted. It is important to state here that Satan is a liar and the father of lies. When demons lie, they are speaking the dialect of "home".
The lie is stated that identity is to be grounded in one's feelings without reference to biological or scientific fact as God has established it from the beginning of creation. Essentially, it is an extension of the ongoing rebellion against God being who He is. It is an assault that proves to be deadly in the lives of those who embrace the lie that the One who created us does not understand or know us. Transgenderism enthrones emotions flowing from a non-functioning, broken moral compass. Satan's desire is to mar, to mutilate, deface and destroy the image of God in a human being.
What lies have you allowed to take up residence in your minds to define you? You must reject any notion that runs counter to what God says about you. Let no one else give your life definition. God alone knows you through and through and has true life for you, new life for you. Your longing to belong, to have a safe haven is not going to be found anywhere but in Jesus Christ alone. You are meant to become a new creation in Christ Jesus, to finally become fully human.
God knit you together in your mother's womb. He did not make a mistake. Turn to Him. Let His love and grace confirm and restore His image in you.
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