It's not saints who have gone before who hear our prayers. It's not Mary who bore the Messiah who answers our cries. That is because they cannot save a soul. That is not their purpose. Examples of believing God and taking Him at His Word, yes; Hebrews chapter 11 makes that clear. But remember, there was no other person who ever walked the earth that was sinless save Jesus Christ of Nazaeth, the Holy One of Israel.
No prophet, no Apostle, no pastor or teacher, and none of those who followed Jesus Christ during His Incarnate mission of redemption were sinless, not even His earthly Mother, Mary. Jesus Christ died and rose again to redeem even His earthly Mother. For ALL had sinned and fallen short of the Lord's glory and the Lord, God the Father, laid on Jesus the inequity of us all on the cross. There He died our deserved death so that, by the Holy Spirit, we might be born from above, forgiven of all our sin and rebellion.
Salvation come from the Holy Trinity alone. God alone saves. He alone redeems, heals, delivers, restores and transforms through the finished work of Jesus Christ alone and in the Holy Spirit's omnipotent power alone, the power of Resurrection. Only God saves. No mere mortal being in heaven or on earth can save. The Church Triumphant, those believers in heaven neither hear nor answer our prayers. They cannot save us to any degree for they are not God. Call on Jesus Christ. God has given us direct access to His Presence in Jesus' Name. Draw near to God alone. He is the One who answers prayer. He alone can save you.
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