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Showing posts from March, 2025
  THERE ARE NO "WHITE HATS" HERE Romans 1:18 " But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness." I have posted material recently being uncovered about corruption in the highest levels of the Ukrainian government. I have been called a liar, and idolater (as if I was worshipping our very human and fallible present American President. God forbid, for Jesus Christ alone with the Father and Holy Spirit are worshipped and followed by me.) and a hater of Ukraine and her people. Over the past three years, with the tacit support of its western patrons, the Ukrainian government, NOT ITS PEOPLE, has committed a remarkable number of serious crimes. The Ukrainian government has sold huge quantities of American weapons on the international black market at twenty cents on the dollar. These weapons are now in the hands of armed groups around the world, including Hamas, the Mexican drug cartels and the forces now contr...