Romans 1:18 " But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness."
I have posted material recently being uncovered about corruption in the highest levels of the Ukrainian government. I have been called a liar, and idolater (as if I was worshipping our very human and fallible present American President. God forbid, for Jesus Christ alone with the Father and Holy Spirit are worshipped and followed by me.) and a hater of Ukraine and her people. Over the past three years, with the tacit support of its western patrons, the Ukrainian government, NOT ITS PEOPLE, has committed a remarkable number of serious crimes. The Ukrainian government has sold huge quantities of American weapons on the international black market at twenty cents on the dollar. These weapons are now in the hands of armed groups around the world, including Hamas, the Mexican drug cartels and the forces now controlling Syria. God knows what the Ukrainian government have done with the pathogens in American biolabs in their country. Even US intel agencies aren't sure.
I received the same invective from my own countrymen and those I had considered friends because I pointed out the duplicity and corruption of the recent Obama/Biden regimes. Things are being uncovered that show that some who were called conspiracy theorists were actually "spot-on", as if pointing out corruption was anti-democracy. The exposing of greed, immorality, graft, lies, the throwing away of untold billions of US citizen's tax dollars on insanity, the weaponizing of our Justice system to attack any who disagreed with or exposed the rampant abuse of power to enrich those in power was seen by some as "ignorant" and threat to "democracy" because they disagreed with my postings. The military-industrial complex in the US reap huge profits when there is war.
I received similar push-back from friends/colleagues and acquaintances in Russia (some with whom I had shared in Christian outreach to former Communist Pioneer Youth camps in the St. Petersburg region of Russia from the summers of 1994 to 2018) because I decried the godlessness of the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church in Moscow. That church official wrote that he "knew" it was God's will that all Ukrainians be exterminated. That was demonic wickedness intended to suppress the truth. You also do not simply follow up a stated desire for peace with Ukraine by throwing hundreds of drones and missiles at Ukraine on the 3rd anniversary of the Russia invasion of Ukraine. That is sheer duplicity and evil. It was jealousy, envy, greed and pride that were the foundational reasons for the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The issue with Ukraine's possible membership with NATO was the cover for sheer wickedness. Elections held at gunpoint in eastern regions of Ukraine to "show the people's desire" to be annexed by Russia were just like Politburo elections in the USSR where you either agreed or "disappeared" in the middle of the night.
Corruption at the highest levels in the governments of Russia, Ukraine, and The United States of America have been documented. What is NOT true is that the populations of these nations should be painted with the same brush as Biden, Putin, Zelenski and others abusing positions of power and influence in their varied governments. I remember well, during the Kosovo conflict, a Russian camp director wrote me pleading that I come with teams into the camps in her region. She wrote, "We Russians, of all people know there is a vast difference between government officials and the everyday citizen of their countries. You are the friend of our children and trusted by us. Please come!"
Just because President Zelenski is not "lily-white" in character and action does not make the Ukrainians fighting for survival of their families and homes "evil" or untrustworthy. I personally know Ukranian families who minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ to ALL who need the salvation that He alone can give. They grieve for their nation and love the heritage and culture of Ukraine that gave the Slavic people the Cyrillic alphabet and so much more. Corruption at its very core is the DNA passed on from the USSR to government officials and powerbrokers in Eastern Europe. It's not surprising. Did you know that as Vice President Vance was talking to President Zelenski, that the Ukranian President muttered in his own language, "Bitch"? so much for diplomacy.
Purin, being KGB to his core, will say whatever he thinks the West wants to hear and then will do what he believes will restore Russia as a "power not to be ignored." He is a master propogandist and has caused the hearts of many Russians to drink in the poison of his deception. He lied to his own troops saying that the Ukranian people were wanting Russia to "liberate" them from Nazi's running the Ukranian government. Putin proceeded to implement the very invasive actions of Adolph Hitler who invaded the Sudetenland because there were German speaking people there and thus needed to belong to Germany. There are many Russian speaking people in Atlanta, Georgia, too. Should that city be invaded as well? The wanton slaughter of young and old, men, women and children, grandfathers and grandmothers showed wickedness meant to suppress the truth., even as Putin tried to justify his actions.
The point I am trying to articulate is that NONE of the "players" in the horror and insanity of the war in Ukraine are wearing "white hats" and they are trying to suppress the truth by wickedness. They point to everyone but themselves as the spawn of Satan. This is not a matter where "saving face" can be justified at all costs.
I pray daily for the People of Ukraine, of Russia, and of the United States of America that they will turn from trusting fallible and corrupt officials and will repent turning from sin and wickedness and turn to the Lord Jesus for Life, forgiveness, wholeness, salvation, renewal, and His peace that the world cannot give. I pray for justice and redress for the evil brought upon the Ukranian people. May the Lord God sweep away those who thrive upon war, even granting to them repentance and faith.
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