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Showing posts from August, 2022
  Another Chance Someone wrote, “Thank God for always giving me another chance.” Well, He always gives us another opportunity to trust Him, to put our complete confidence in what He has already accomplished for us. It's never for us to try harder again to do what we don't have the capacity to do in the first place. We will never have any part in saving ourselves or transforming our lives, because it is He Who give us both the will and the power/anointing to do His good pleasure which is our finest good.
  Hoopla is not Holy Hoopla has never been an "ear-mark" of the Lord working among His people. I am reminded that Jesus pulled people aside, out of the crowd to minister to them. Sure, there were times with large crowds where He healed everyone, but there were times when only one was healed. He was simply doing what He saw His Father doing. He was only saying what His father was saying.  There was no "fluff" or "musical filler" so the silence would seem "less uncomfortable".   C. S. Lewis tries Pacal's challenge to spend one hour in silence and found that he could not. He said it was most uncomfortable to not be distracted from what needed to be viewed from the inside. One thing to remember, when the Lord is NOT speaking (and I don't believe the Lord to be a garrulous babbler), the true prophet of God is simply a mute. 
  Believing God In Hebrews 11:11 we can read that even in the face of her old age and her barrenness, Sarah “believed that God would keep His promise.” of a son, Isaac. It’s of utmost importance that our hearts and minds are saturated with the Word of God, committing His promises to memory and heart-storage. We must rely on, believe what God has promised, which may not necessarily be what you can see at present. Faith is actively believing what God has promised, not what I perceive at this juncture in time and space. He has promised to all who will believe Him, that having begun a good work in them, He will bring it to completion by the Day of Christ. It is because the Holy Spirit has delivered you from the kingdom of darkness and has transferred you into the Kingdom of God’s Son, in Whom you have deliverance and redemption through His shed blood, the very forgiveness of you sin, not in part, but the whole. God is not being metaphoric when He declares that we are His heirs, j...
  REFLECTING ON 52 YEARS I’ve been recently reflecting on the past 52 years of following Jesus Christ as my Lord. I realize that He knew me before I was conceived. He stands outside time (which He created, along with everything in the universe and beyond what can be seen or understood with a finite human brain). He saw my beginning and He has seen my ending here on the earth. There is nothing that He doesn’t know. That is what being omniscient means. He’s also omnipotent and omnipresent. He is that and infinitely more in union with the Father and the Holy Spirit, being one God in Three Persons, blessed Trinity. Being graced by Him to come to know Him better (for apart from Him, I can do nothing as it relates to Him) I grow more and more amazed at His love, His compassion (which means “to suffer with”), His patience and His grace. I realize that He IS Life within me. I was essentially dead when He opened my eyes and my heart to see His love for me. I was astounded then and I a...
  Walking the "walk" takes following the Shepherd. Anyone can "talk-the-talk" without any real effort of yielded obedience to the Holy Spirit's power and the daily application of the Cross to our flesh.