THE TREASURE Jesus told a parable that compared the Kingdom of God to a treasure buried in a field. A farmer digging in the field discovered the treasure and then went and sold all he had in order to buy that field. If you don’t believe that the treasure and glory of life as it was meant to be known and experienced are found in God ruling over all of life, you’ll never give it all to receive all God promises. “Selling all you have” is tantamount to surrendering all you are and all you have to God without reservation and letting Him be the Lord of all of it. Knowing about God is never the same as knowing God and being known by Him for the transformation of and the flourishing of life as God intends and desires us to know. Sadly, you can be religious and have it all remain superficial and outward with no life-change. It takes the digging, the revealing of the Treasure by God and then the surrender of all you are to receive life-eternal and the living Presence of God within yo...